
Archive for the 'Rules and Procedures' Category

2011 Calendars and Rules

The 2011 EAME and USA Racing calendars have been updated on the links at left along with the updated IWWF Racing Rules.

World Racing Council Votes to Leave Rule 2.07 Unchanged

After discussing this request several times, It has been decided that changing rule 2.07 to allow a F-1 skier drop down to F-2 after only two (2) world championships is denied. The requirement of waiting three (3) or more, world championships will stand.
Dusty Schulz
IWWF Racing Council President

The History of Rule 3.03

The Rule was born from the very first Meeting on International Ski Racing held in Sydney, Australia in 1978.There were representatives from Italy, UK, Australia in attendance. The “Ground Rules” for what was to be the first World Racing Championship was the main agenda.
Among the Rules was the composition of Teams There was a discussion [...]