Pan American Region
March 2019
Rules of Policy for the Pan Am Senior Water Ski Championships
All rules are same as IWWF , just that is special indicate in this appendix
Competition divisions ( IWWF rule book) +35 ,+45 , +55 , +65
All teams can be of 6 skiers max 4 of 1 sex
The first (top) 5 of the Pan Am ranking list in a discipline or overall, in any division can be part in the tournament as individual skier
Slalom 2 rounds and 1 final Starting speed for all divisions
All division s 43 km for woman 46 Km for men
For overall the starting count of buoys as IWWF ( any skier who scores 0 in overall but have a score is part of the overall discipline)
No skier can be part of 2 divisions
Half of the entry list , max 8 , min 4 In slalom the first half from the best score second half best average, in case of an ODD number the extra skier will be selected based on the average score
The intention to enter needs to be sent, 60 days before with a non refundable 50 US each skier