Known Problems: 6/2/14 14PER001 data is missing 13MEX08 and 13MEX09 - site ID should be MEX002 Ruben Rosenberg is yob 1957, not 1960 missing records GAY;Gordon;800002655;;USA;M;14S051R;0.00;1600;0.0;0.00;1943;L;1;M8;0.000;0;20131020;;Y;;1;USA800002655;USAS0001;;;;; GAY;Gordon;800002655;;USA;M;14S051R;0.00;2410;0.0;0.00;1943;L;2;M8;0.000;0;20131020;;Y;;1;USA800002655;USAS0001;;;;; Ben McFadden had some records showing incorrect gender Megan Ross and Megan Siebert are the same skier Overall scores missing for ODESUR Games 6/4/14 - Overall recalculated due to problem with 65+ section 6/4/14 - republish - no known problems same skiers DE OSMA Alejandra DE OSMA M Alejandra NIEUWSTAD Brett NIEUWSTADT Brett VIGEZZI Enzo VIGEZZI enzo LOPEZ Martin LóPEZ Martin Some Overall calculations were missed due to duplicate entries for some tournaments. Overall scores missing for ODESUR Games Republished 6/5/14 no known errors Natascha Rottcher is NAM not USA Overall scores missing for ODESUR Games Republished Overall 6/11