Known Problems with the May 2007 list 1. Overall scores missing from 07CHI005 2. Overall scores missing from 07C053 3. Ageliki ANDRIOUPOULOU is GRE not CHI 4. There was a mistake on a score on our June Record..... Johan Efverstrom...... can you fix it or do I need to get the scorer to fix it and repost the corrected book? I do not know how it happened, but his dad saw the posted score and sent Jay an email...... the score is off by 2 passes I guess...... it should be at 13m instead of 11.25... 5.Missing scores >06s073R MIRANDA, FRANCISCO OM ----/---- -- 7170 RO OM -------- -- -- 6450 RE 4 -------- -- >> 06s072R MIRANDA, FRANCISCO OM 3.00/1200 LM OM 4210 RE OM -------- -- 5.00/1125 LE 3 5270 RE 5 -------- -- 1.50/1200 LM --- -- -------- -- 6. Missing ODESUR GAMES (November '06) 7. The following tournaments were incorrectly included in the preliminary list and have been removed from this one. 06C083 06NAM02 06QAT02 06RSA02 06RSA03 06RSA05 06RSA08 06RSA10 06RSA12 06S051 06S092 06S118 06S119 06S123 06UAE02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Publication July 14, 2007 No known problems 1. Joel Wing and Ryan Green trick scores from 07AUS06 are incorrectly reduced to 10,000. The tournament was listed as L when actually it was R. Wing 10380, 10460 Green 10500 2. The following skiers have slalom scores at 55kmph. Those performances will be removed BOUYSSOU;Frederic;; BRIDGES;Harry;; CASTRO SR;Pablo;; CHICHARRO;Carlos;; CIBIE;Cristian;; DAVIES;Peter;; DELAGE;Pascal;; DELAIR;William;; DUHALDE;Raul;; ETEROVIC;Francisco;; GAMBUT;Jérôme;; GILLES;Jean-Francois;; GISLER;Larry;; GUYAMIER;Patrick;; HAZELWOOD;Tim;; JAGOE;Sean;; LEFOUR;Christophe;; MARTIN;Patrice;; MATTOS;Richard;; MOSTERT;Andre;; NEGRAO;Rafael;; NIEUWSTAD;Brett;; RITTER;Robert;; ROSENBERG;Ruben;; SCHWAN;Mike;; TOMIC;Pablo;; VILJOEN;Anton;; WEINSTEIN;Sergio;; WHARTON;Christopher;; 3. NZL tournament codes are incorrect. Since the site codes are correct, I do not believe this affects the ranking position. 4. MCMILLIAN Gavin MCMILLAN Gavin -same person- 5. Apparently some skiers have 2 performances from the same site that are used. This will be corrected. ------------------------------------------------------------ Re-issued 7/21 - no Known Problems