1.05: Amendments to the Rules


Under the authority of the Tournament Council Chairman, proposed rules may be tested. The Chairman shall determine the appropriate homologation level under the test conditions. A complete report of the results of the test will be made by the Homologator and Chief Judge and sent to the Chairman for distribution to the Tournament Council.

1.07: Voting of the Judges

Unless otherwise specifically stated, every vote of the Appointed Judges or the Event Judges shall be decided by a simple majority of the judges voting. In the event of a tie, the Chief Judge shall cast the tie-breaking vote. All issues should be settled before the next contestant starts.

2.02: Rounds

Each event shall consist of two rounds; a preliminary round and a final round.

All skiers qualified to ski in an event must ski in the preliminary round of that event.

A skier must score (more than 0) in the preliminary round to qualify for the final.

5.04: Overall Placement

The top 4 placed male and top 4 placed female Individual Overall skiers from the Preliminary round shall go forward to the Overall Finals.

The contestants placed 5th and below in the Preliminary rounds shall maintain that order in the official results for Overall placement.

In the case where an overall finals is not scheduled separately, the overall scoring will be determined with the best score of either round being used. In the case where an overall finals cannot be held due to weather - the rule will revert to cancellation and the results of the preliminary round only will count.

6.08: Official Uniforms

It is recommended that officials wear standard uniforms consisting of a white polo shirt and navy blue shorts. If heavier clothing is required due to the weather, the same color scheme shall be maintained of a plain white top and navy blue slacks/pants.

10.04: Tow Lines

10.04(i) A protective shock tube must be used on the rope in Slalom.

10.07: Speed Control

(f) For each skier, a written record shall be kept of the initial setting of the speed control and any changes that are made during his turn.

(g) For jumping, the manufacturer's recommendations shall be used regarding any skier selections of parameters.
For Perfect Pass, this means that a skier may select a letter in the range of plus or minus three letters from the initial selection indicated by the weight of skier without equipment.

13.02: Description of the Jump Ramp

Length out of water table
Ramp RatioMinimumMaximumRecommended

13.03: Jump Speeds

The boat speeds for the jumping event shall be chosen by the skier from those listed in Rule 13.04 up to the maximum allowed as follows:

a) Men - 57 km/h

b) Women - 54 km/h

13.04: Boat Timing

Add at the end of the rule:
Optional timing method
The following describes the new second segment timing rule. This rule is provisional for 2000 and its use is optional.
If the rule is used, the Chief Judge or homologator should report on its use to the TC Chairman. (This should be done as part of the homologation dossier in the remarks section).

Boat Timing (Reference 11.02)

1st Segment 2nd segment
Speed fast actual slow fast actual slow
57 5.11 5.18 5.25 2.36 2.40 2.44
54 5.39 5.47 5.55 2.54 2.59 2.64
51 5.70 5.79 5.88 2.68 2.73 2.78
48 6.05 6.15 6.25 2.84 2.89 2.95
Note: 1st segment tolerances are unchanged

The 2nd segment times only apply when the speed is at the maximum for the division. After the 2nd segment, the speed control algorithm will be to set the speed to the base selected speed.

When the speed is below the maximum for the division, the second segment will not be used with the exception that it may not exceed the maximum speed time for the event. (Please note that if this happens, it is likely that the speed control is not working according to the intended algorithm and the manufacturer and the TC Chairman should be notified). The manufacturer's algorithm in the less than maximum speed case is to set the mechanism to the base speed setting (no overspeeding and no underspeeding) in the 2nd segment.

At the skier's option, the mode may be set to either normal, meaning the case where the speed control just returns to the base speed setting in the second segment, or to the new settings where the boat is programmed to meet the times in the above chart.

The rules governing skier letter or distance selection apply for this mode as well.

13.15: Timing of the Boat


Jump Timing Reride Chart
seg1 seg2  action
OK OK  none
OK  mandatory reride only if distance is best distance in skiers turn, the score may improve
OK  optional reride (protected score)
OK  optional reride (protected score)
mandatory reride if best distance, otherwise optional with protected score
optional reride (protected score)
OK  mandatory reride
mandatory reride
mandatory reride

14.08: A miss or "Riding Over"

It is a miss to ride inside a buoy or outside the entrance or end gate or to ride over, straddle or jump over a buoy or gate buoy; but there is no penalty for grazing a buoy with a ski or part of the body. "Riding over" shall be defined as hitting a buoy with the ski so as to move it significantly from it position or temporarily sink it. Hitting a buoy less severely shall be considered as "grazing."
A skier shall be judged as missing the entry or exit gate when the ski passes entirely and clearly outside the gate buoy.

15.08: Proceeding through the two trick passes

The boat shall follow as closely as possible the path specified by the Judges for the event, such path to include the preparation time before each pass. The second pass shall be in the opposite direction from the first pass. A skier may neither return to pick up a dropped ski nor add a second ski between passes.

At the skier's option, if he did not fall, the boat may stop between passes for a maximum of 30 seconds, however, he may change equipment in the 30 second set down period. The 30 seconds shall start when the boat gets to the skier. The skier is allowed to change equipment after a fall or during the 30 second set down. In both cases he has only 30 seconds in which to change and at the end of 30 seconds the skier must be in the water ready to go or he loses the right to his second pass.

If a skier refuses to enter the course under the provision in Rule 15.01, and he is not ready when the boat returns for him, he shall be considered as having fallen.

15.12: Timing the Trick Pass

Alternativly, a video trick timing system may be used. When it is used, the end of the 20 second pass shall be determined by the video measurement. A start/stop judge shall operate or supervise the operation of the video trick timer. (This may also be the end trick review judge) Depending on the system being used he may or may not work with the timer to signal the start and stop.

The trick review judge shall make a determination of the last trick in time. If the Chief Judge agrees with this determination, it shall be official. If the Chief Judge disagrees then it is the responsibility of the 5 event judges to determine if the last trick is in time.

Optionally, the Chief judge may asign a second video timing judge in his place, of a different nationality than the first judge in international tournaments. If these two judges disagree, the Chief Judge will resolve the disagreement.

Since the video is being used on all runs, this process will replace the 10,000/7,000 point review process refered to in Rule 15.15

The official appointed to review the video shall be assigned for the whole event/series.

It is strongly recommended that L&R tournaments use this technology in 2000. It is required in 2001 and beyond.

15.15: Use of the Video Camera

c) In circumstances which the Chief Judge regards as exceptional, the Chief Judge may review the tape and ask the Event Judges to look at the run again so that the correct score may be established. the Event Judges may review the tape. This request should not be granted if the intention is to change a Judge's decision under 15.11 (a) and (b).

15.16: Trick Lists

A list of declared tricks to be attempted by the skier shall be required from each entrant in the trick event before the event starts. The Chief Judge and Chief Calculator shall determine the exact time when the list must be submitted for each seed of the elimination rounds and for the final rounds. Corrections may be allowed up to one hour before the seed and the final. The trick list shall be prepared using the official code shown in the table of trick values. Reverse turns must be indicated by an R preceding the official code. In each declared trick pass, the skier may list only one trick and its associated reverse, if any, on two skis and one trick and its associated reverse, in any, on one ski under each number in the table, except that any type of 180o turn may be listed more than once. If a trick (non-180) is listed twice in the same pass then it is treated like it is not there, neither it nor any reverse which follows it may score. Only the first instance of the trick will be considered by the scorers.

A contestant who fails to submit a trick list shall be disqualified from that trick round. A skier may submit a different trick list for the event finals if he so desires. The declared list shall be made available to the officials at the discretion of the Chief Judge.

16.05a: Overall Records

The highest scoring overall performance performed in a tournament shall be a new record if it exceeds by 0.01 point or more the official record performed on a date before the tournament. If the score is equaled, the skier will become co-holder of the established record. The scoring will be based on the scores noted in Rule 5.06

Overall Records may be set in tournaments where there is no overall competition as long as there are distinct rounds of each event and the performances are all in the same round.

Overall records may be approved at the tournament under the authority of the Chief Judge and Homologator who shall submit a form attesting to the performances along with the Electronic Homologation Dossier showing that all the requirements for an R tournament were met.

16.07: Record Forms and Criteria

a) Slalom. Video will be taken from both ends of the slalom course centerlineper the rules requirements.


Slalom Course No single center line floating courses except of approved design*3 no single center line floating courses except of approved design*3

17.02: Slalom Gate Video Review

As an optional rule, the use of video for score review with 5 judges for both gates and buoy score will be allowed.

If video judging review is used, the video will be used when there is a 3-2 decision on a buoy score (either awarding the score or not) or a non- unanimous decision on a gate. In the case of a buoy score, the final determination will be made by the Chief Judge and another designated video judge. If the Chief Judge and the designated video judge do not unanimously agree on a score, the original score given by the event judges will stand. In the case of a non unanimous gate call, the applicable tower judges will review the video. If they do not unanimously agree on the gate, the original decision will stand.

All video review decisions will be reviewed by the panel after the event for information purposes only.

The video for the buoy score will be taken from the boat. The video for the gates will be taken from the slalom judging towers.

If it is not feasible to place the judges tower at the prescribed angle, a video camera may be mounted at the proper angle and the live signal fed to a monitor that the tower judges can observe the gate and the gate judgment will made from the monitor. The signal will be taped so that review is possible.

17.03: Optional Slalom Judging Method

a) As an option, 2 judges may be used in slalom on a centrally located tower rather than using two towers. In this case, the tower will be located between buoy 3 and 4 with the same height requirements. Additionally, there will be video feeds from cameras placed at the required angle to the gates at each end. These camera feeds will be displayed on a monitor and taped. Each judge will independently call the entrance gate by observing the monitor. If one or both judges did not observe the entrance gate then the judge would replay the video at normal speed to make the call. If both judges disagree, the boat judge will cast the deciding vote. The exit gate will be viewed directly, but the video may be used by one or both judges to resolve any questions.

 b) Additionally, a boat video may be used. If a skier/Team Representative believes that there was an error in the score, he may challenge it by notifying the Chief Judge before the next skier goes out and by putting up SF250. The Chief Judge and a designated review judge will review the video. If they both agree on a score, that will be the given score. If they disagree or agree that the video does not clearly overrule the score given by the judges, then that score will stand. The SF250 will only be returned if the oriiginal score was changed.

Rule 18 Ski Flying

18.01: Ski Flying general definition and conditions

Ski Flying is intended to be an experimental, promotional event limited to elite skiers and with a limited number of contests sanctioned. All IWSF Rules apply per this rulebook with the following exceptions and modifications as noted below which will supercede the relavent rules as indicated.

18.02: Ski Fly Tow Lines A contestant may furnish his own line and handle for the ski fly event and it may be of any dimensions or material. The length of the handle attachment measured from the inside surface of the attaching loop furthest from the handle to the center portion of the handle furthest from the attaching loop must be no longer than 32.0m.

18.03: Ski Fly Ramp a) The ramp must be parallel to the jump course with a tolerance of +7 degrees open & 0 degrees closed.

b) The surface must be flat with a maximum deviation of 5.0 cm. from a plane as measured in 13.02 f)

c) The jump ramp should be an inclined plane with an apron on the right hand side. The ramp shall meet the following specifications:

18.04: Ski Fly Pylon Specifications The height of the pylon will be no higher than 130cm. Ref 10.01 c)

18.05: Ski Fly reference buoys for spectators Distance buoys may be placed every 3m. Recommended to start at 67m and end at 85m.
The buoys are for spectator reference and should be placed so as not to interefere with the jumper.

18.06: Ski Fly boat minimum qualification A skier must have a certified minimum jump score of 60.8m from an L or R class tournament to qualify for a Ski Flying event.

18.07: Ski Fly boat speeds

Speed fast actual slow
57 5.11 5.18 5.25
60 4.86 4.92 4.99
63 4.63 4.69 4.75
66 4.42 4.47 4.53
69 4.23 4.28 4.33
72 4.05 4.10 4.15

18.08: Ski Fly World Records World Records, if achieved, will be declared as official at the site on the authority of the Homologator and Chief Judge.


dimension range
210m(length) 207.9m-212.1m
210m(off-line) -.5m to + .5m
82m 81.59m-82.41m
41m 40.795m-41.205m
19m 18.85m-19.15m
21.5m 21.35m-21.65m
10m 9.8m- 10.2m
5m 4.90m-5.10m
2.5m 2.40m-2.60m


buoy color
19st red
21.5st red
19mt yellow
21.5mt yellow
19et red
24et red
19ec yellow
21.5ec yellow
24ec yellow
210m green


World Cup events must allow 1.65m jumping for men and 1.50m jumping for women per the rules.

Ties:  Ties for placement will be resolved per the tournament rules.  World Cup points
will be assigned as follows -

a) Ties in the finals stand, i.e. two skiers tied for 6th place both get 6th place points.

b) 1st place ties always broken and only 1 skier will ever get 100 points in an event.

c) Ties in other rounds (semi-finals and all preliminaries) get broken by preceding round.

d) If the tie isn't broken, then the tied skiers get the points of that placement.

e) For the US Pro Tour bracket system, ties between paired brackets will be broken by performance

Only a current year points list will be kept as the World Cup points/ranking list


The World Ranking List is a list of the best men and women skiers in each event ranked by performance. A Junior Ranking List is also produced for skiers meeting the Junior age criteria and based on skiing under junior rules. The ranking is based on the average of each skiers' two best scores from two separate tournaments. Only one score in each event is considered from each tournament. Each IWSF Federation sanctions Record Capability or World Standings List tournaments from which the performances are taken. Performances are taken from score books and submitted by the sanctioning Federation or Region. Any trick score over 10,000 points must be performed in an R tournament to be qualified for the Ranking List. If a skier records only one qualifying performance, that performance will be adjusted to make it equivalent to an average score.

If a performance in an L tournament exceeds the current World Record, it will be placed on the ranking list as one increment below the current record. If a record score is made in an R tournament, but is subsequentially rejected then the corrected score shall be used.

A separate ranking list overall will be calculated on the basis of the overall scoring described in Rule 5.06 on a tournament by tournament basis. This means that an overall score can only be achieved for the list by having an overall performance at a tournament. Event scores from multiple tournaments will not be combined to calculate an overall score. An overall score shall be from a single round of a tournament.The rounds of a tournament shall be set by the organisers and are NOT based on the first time a skier skis in a multi round tournament.

The maximum number of rounds which can count for the rankings list or records is limited to 3 (except head to head) at any one competition - meaning consecutive days at the same site.


3. Jump

i) When Video Jump measurement is used, two test buoys must be placed at approximately 40m and 60m jump distances and their exact location as measured by survey and by the video jump system must be recorded on the dossier. The buoys must be independent of the video jump system (i.e. not used as reference buoys by the system).

World Ranking List Data

Scores shall be submitted electronically in the following format:

Please note that one record is to be submitted for each performance so that a three event skier skiing in a two round tournament will have 6 records in the shown format.

Data format for individual performance records

Field  Field Name  Type       Width    Dec      Notes:
    1  LAST        Character     20             IN CAPITAL LETTERS       
    2  FIRST       Character     20             In normal mode (John Michael)    
    3  SKIER#      Character     11             Federation specific       
    4  GROUP       Character      1             1,2, or 3      
    5  COUNTRY     Character      3             Normal IOC code      
    6  SEX         Character      1             M or F
    7  TOUR        Character      8                   
    8  SL          Numeric        5      2             
    9  TR          Numeric        5                    
   10  JU          Numeric        5      1             
   11  ALT_SCORE   Numeric        7      2      If a slalom score, buoys of last pass
                                                If a jump score, optional use distance in feet
                                                If a trick score, blank       
   12  YOB         Character      2                    
   13  CLASS       Character      1             R or L for ranking list performances       
   14  ROUND       Character      2                    
   15  DIV         Character      2             division (local meaning)       
   16  PERF_QUAL1  Numeric        6      3      if slalom then line length (14.25, 13.00, etc.)
                                                if jump then ramp angle (.235, .255, .271 only)       
   17  PERF_QUAL2  Numeric        2             speed for slalom and jump only       
   18  DATE        Date           8             date of performance (if text YYYYMMDD)     
   19  SPECIAL     Character      1             J if performance done under Junior Rules
   20  SPEED_CTRL  Character      1             Y=Yes, N or blank=no    
   21  SL_MISS     Character      1             * means 1st pass not complete (optional if 
                                                score is already adjusted)
   22  PLACE       Numeric        3      0      Placement in the event - use the final placement
                                                in each performance record so if the skier placed 2nd
                                                and the tournament was 3 rounds, each round record
                                                will indicate 2nd place.  Also, the placement is for the
                                                division the skier skied in so that a tournament will
                                                have a corresponding set of placements for each division.

** Total **                     116
   Additional fields for local meaning may be added here such as Club, or State, or League.


Dimension Range Tolerance
10m 9.8m-10.2m 2%

Ramp Setting Chart