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Help for Federations Having Difficulty Registering Teams
for 2004 FISU World University Championships



To:  All IWSF Member Federations

From: Phil Chase, Chairman IWSF World University Commission

Subject:  Registration Problems With FISU World University Championships

Dear Friends,

It has recently come to our attention that many of you have experienced difficulty in attempting to register teams through your National FISU Representatives. FISU Headquarters has agreed to help us resolve these problems. However, before we can do anything to help you, we must know about any problems you have encountered.

The cutoff date for obtaining visas for this event is in late June so, there is still ample time to get these things resolved. If you will, please e-mail me immediately with answers to the following questions:


1) Have you attempted to register a team for the FISU Championships?

2) Were you successful?  If not, please explain why.

3) Have you received cooperation from your National Sports Federation (FISU Rep)?

3) Will you send a team if we can work out your registration problems?

4) If you are not sending a team, please let us know why?

 Once armed with the facts, I can ask FISU Headquarters to help get your problems resolved. Please e-mail me immediately with your answers at phlchase@aol.com.

The FISU World Championships have the potential of becoming one of the most prestigious and largest events in the sport. We can resolve these problems if we act now.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

Phil Chase, Chairman


A new IWSF website for this event is now in operation. We will use it to get out important information so check back often. The address is www.ncwsa.com/uwc/