International Water Ski Federation |
International Water Ski Federation 2006 |
These rules supersede all previous editions and addenda and shall remain in effect until an amended edition of the rules is published. Changes added between the 2002 Technical Rules and the 2003 Technical Rules are written in bold. Changes added or changed between the 2003 Technical Rules and the 2004 Technical Rules are written in bold/italics. All rules added or changed between the 2004 Technical Rules and the 2005 Technical Rules are in bold and underlined. All rules added or changed since the 2005 Technical Rules are marked by shading. These rules have been drafted in English. In the case of conflicting interpretation, only the English text shall be considered authentic. All correspondence regarding these rules should be addressed to the Chairman of the Technical Committee, IWSF Disabled Council, Mr Jim Grew, 310 Overlook Drive, Winter Haven, Florida 33884-1664, e-mail: |
Table of Contents
Rule D.1 – General____________________________________________ 7
– Basic rules (2002/2003/2004/2005/2006) 7
D.1.02 – Interpretation and exceptions 7
Rule D.2 – Tournament events___________________________________ 7
D.2.04 – Arrangements for the tournament 8
– Starting delays (2004) 8
D.2.06 – Starting assistance 8
D.2.07 – World Championships entry and administration 8
D.2.08 – Official familiarisation 9
Rule D.3 – Disability categories__________________________________ 9
D.3.04 – Categories L and LP 10
D.3.05 – Categories MP1, MP2 and MP3 10
D.3.06 – Categories V1, V2, V3 and V2/3 10
D.3.07 – Categories A/L1
and A/L2 (2005)(2006) 10
Rule D.4 - Tournament entry and classification
requirements_________ 11
– Team selection (2004) 11
D.4.02 – Entry requirements (2006) 11
D.4.03 – Classification process for all skiers 12
D.4.04 – Recategorization (2006) 12
– Publication of the official entry list (2004) 12
D.4.06 – Publication of the classification decisions 12
Rule D.5 – Medals, overall, team competition______________________ 12
D.5.02 – Individual overall placement 13
D.5.04 – Medals for individual event and
overall standings (2003) 13
Rule D.6 – Judges and assistants________________________________ 13
D.6.01 – Chief Judge and Appointed Officials 13
D.6.02 – Choosing Appointed Judges 13
D.6.03 – Classification Officials (2002) 13
Rule D.7 – Safety____________________________________________ 14
D.7.03 – Safety of ropes, handles and special devices 14
D.7.06 – On site medical facilities 14
Rule D.8 – Rerides___________________________________________ 14
Rule D.9 – Protests___________________________________________ 14
D.9.01 – Allowable reasons for protests 14
Rule D.10 – Equipment________________________________________ 15
D.10.03 – Authorization of special devices 15
– Blindfold or black-out goggles for V1 skiers (2004) 15
D.10.06 – Skier supplied handle 15
D.10.07 – Audio slalom signal generator (ASSG) 16
Rule D.11 – Boat speeds and tolerances__________________________ 16
Rule D.12 – Definitions________________________________________ 16
D.12.02 – Signals for V skiers 16
D.12.04 – Definition of a fall 17
D.12.05 – Definition of skiing position 17
Rule D.13 – Jumping__________________________________________ 17
– General jump event conditions (2004)(2006) 17
– Description
of the jump ramp (2004) 18
– Miscellaneous (2004) 18
D.13.04 – Vision impaired jumping 19
D.13.05 – L, LP and A/L1 & AL2 jumping
(2006) 19
Rule D.14 – Slalom and audio slalom_____________________________ 19
– General (2002)(2004)(2006) 19
D.14.02 – Slalom: general (2002) 20
D.14.03 – Slalom: successive passes (2005)(2006) 21
D.14.04 – Slalom: scoring and placement (2006) 22
– Audio slalom: commencement of the skier’s pass (2004) 22
D.14.06 – Audio
slalom: misses 23
D.14.07 – Audio slalom: scoring imaginary buoys(2004) 23
D.14.08 – Audio
slalom: quick release 23
D.14.09 – Audio slalom: officials and skier’s signaler
(2004) 23
D.14.10 – Audio slalom: ASSG and homogation (2004) 23
D.14.11 – Audio slalom: speed control and boat
timing (2002)(2004) 23
D.14.12 – Timing the
boat (2002) 24
Rule D.15 –
Tricks___________________________________________ 24
D.15.01 –
Skiing devices and attitudes (2006) 24
D.15.02 – Sound
signals for vision impaired skiers 24
D.15.04 –
Acceptable tricks 25
D.15.06 – Proceeding
through the two trick passes 25
– Timing of the trick pass (2004) 25
Rule D.16 –
Records__________________________________________ 26
D.16.01 – What
records are recognized 26
D.16.02 –
Tournaments where records may be set 26
D.16.03 – Minima for initial records (2004)(2006)
D.16.04 – Link between categories (2006) 26
D.16.05 – Audio slalom records 27
– Record forms and criteria (2003)(2004)(2006) 27
D.16.07 – Record Administration 27
Appendix 1 – Demonstration categories___________________________ 28
A.1.02 – Categories and classification 28
A.1.03 – Rules for each category 28
A.1.04 – Entry requirements and team size 28
A.1.05 – Results and certificates 29
Appendix 2 – Record capability tournament standards
(2002)(2003)(2006) 30
slalom signal generator (ASSG)(2004)_______________________ 31
Trick values (2004/2005)(2006)__________________________________ 32
Diagram D1 – Official slalom course (2002)_______________________ 34
Diagram D2 – Official jump course (2004)_________________________ 35
Ramp setting chart (2004)______________________________________ 36
Applicability of other tournament rules
(2004)______________________ 37
All buoy timing chart (2003)____________________________________ 38
The rules for disabled water skiing shall, wherever
feasible and as far as possible, follow the 2006 IWSF Technical Rules for Water
Ski Tournaments, except as modified by these 2006 IWSF Technical Rules for
Water Ski for the Disabled.
Whenever an applicable Tournament Rule refers to the Tournament Council, it is to be understood as meaning the Disabled Council.
Whenever an applicable Tournament Rule refers to the World Championships, it is to be understood as meaning the World Disabled Championships.
Rule numbers starting with a D refer to these 2006
IWSF Technical Rules for Water Ski for the Disabled; rule numbers starting with
a T refer to the 2006 IWSF Technical Rules for Water Ski Tournaments.
The Appointed Judges shall follow the procedures in T.1.03 and T.1.04 but in particular they shall have discretion to take into account the disability of the contestant when considering the feasibility of compliance.
Rule T.1.09 applies without exception.
Rule T.2.01 does not apply. It is replaced with:
The events will cover jumping, either slalom or audio slalom, and tricks. Placement will be decided in accordance with Rule D.5.
Rule T.2.02 does not apply. It is replaced with:
Each event shall consist of two rounds: a preliminary round and a final round.
All skiers qualified to ski in an event must ski in the preliminary round of that event.
The qualifications for the final round will be based on the placement after the preliminary round of the event. The number of skiers qualified for the final round depends on the number of skiers having effectively skied in the preliminary round:
· if one (1) or two (2) competitors have skied in the preliminary round, they shall qualify for the final round;
· if three (3) to sixteen (16) competitors have skied in the preliminary round, the first half (rounding up if necessary) shall qualify for the final round;
· if seventeen (17) or more competitors have skied in the preliminary round, the first eight (8) shall qualify for the final round.
However, skiers with a score of zero (0) in the preliminary round shall not be entitled to ski in the final round.
If, after applying the above criteria, there is a tie for the last qualifying place, the Chief Judge shall decide whether to:
· have a run-off between the tied contestants,
· have all the tied contestants in the finals,
· have none of the tied contestants in the finals.
Rule T.2.03 applies with the first two sentences replaced with: Not later than three months before the start of the tournament, the Tournament Chairman shall send to each affiliated Federation, by air mail, a schedule showing the days on which official familiarisation and the tournament events will be held. The schedule of events for both the preliminary and final rounds shall be drawn up by the Chief Judge, the Chairman of the Disabled Council and the Tournament Chairman and posted prior to the start of official familiarisation.
Notice of the arrangements for the tournament shall be given by the Organizing Federation to each affiliated Federation at least three months in advance of the tournament.
Full details, including plans where appropriate, shall be given of the tournament area and the residential arrangements. Details of the type and availability of transport should be given. A copy of the Accessibility Information Sheet shall be included.
Starting delays defined in T.2.05, T.13.01, T.14.01, T.15.01
and T.15.08 apply and are supplemented with the following paragraph: A second attempt may be made within one
minute from when the boat is ready after the first attempt and the skier is
holding the handle. A skier failing to
be up on his second attempt within one minute will be disqualified from the
remainder of the round.
Any contestant shall be allowed one starting assistant in the water to help him with skis, rope, etc., and if necessary to steady him in the water. Such assistant may hold the contestant or steady him but must relinquish all contact once the skier is in skiing position as defined in D.12.05.
Starting assistance is allowed for the start from the jetty and for a restart after a fall.
A skier needing starting assistance must select one person to assist him for the start from the jetty and another person for restarts after a fall. The skier assumes all responsibility for the actions of his assistants. A skier-supplied starting assistant will subject the skier to disqualification if he interferes vocally or physically with the duties of the Officials.
A skier needing starting assistance must notify the starter at the dock at least three skiers (listed on the starting list) before his turn. In the absence of such notice, no starting assistance will be permitted.
Unless the Chief Judge changes this, the starting assistant for restarts will be in a safety boat. In the event of a fall, he will assist the skier and then go back in the safety boat for subsequent assistance.
Rule T.2.05
applies with all references to "start of first event" replaced with
"start of official familiarisation".
In addition to the information requested by rule T.2.05, each Federation shall provide the category (see D.3.02) and gender of the members of its team and of the official reserves. For skiers entering the jump event, their choice of ramp height (see D.13.02 and T.13.02.e) shall also be indicated.
The skiers will be permitted to familiarise themselves with the tournament boats and jump ramp under the authority and the responsibility of the Chief Judge. Each skier participating in familiarisation shall be allotted either a set number of passes and/or a certain amount of time at the discretion of the Chief Judge based on the principle that every skier shall receive an equal opportunity for familiarisation.
The schedule for familiarisation shall be run in the reverse order of team placement of the preceding World Championships. Federation teams which did not enter the preceding World Championships will have familiarisation before the other teams in an order decided by the Chief Judge. Individual qualifiers will be assigned individual familiarisation time at times determined by the Chief Judge. The Chief Judge shall have the discretion to change the start time of an individual's or team's familiarisation based on extraordinary circumstances.
Competition in each category shall be separated into a Men's and a Women's division.
All skiers shall be divided into the following categories:
· arm disabilities (see D.3.03):
· category A;
· leg amputees (see D.3.04):
· category L,
· category LP;
· multiple plegics and double leg amputees (see D.3.05):
· category MP1,
· category MP2,
· category MP3;
· vision impaired (see D.3.06):
· category V1,
· category V2/3;
· arm and leg disabilities (see D.3.07):
· category A/L1,
· category A/L2.
There are further categories called Demonstration categories which are described in Appendix 1.
A skier who would be eligible for more than one category is only allowed to participate in a single category in each event and has to ski in the same category in all events in which he participates.
Skiers with any arm disability preventing him or her from using the disabled limb normally while skiing is eligible for category A.
In any event, the disabled upper limb cannot come in contact, directly or indirectly, with the tow handle or the tow line while the skier is in the course. If this happens, it will have the same consequences as if a fall had occurred at that moment.
Skiers eligible for categories L and LP are defined as follows:
· L: leg amputees without prosthesis.
· LP: leg amputees with prosthesis.
Multiple plegics and double leg amputees shall be classified in categories MP1, MP2 and MP3 as defined in the MP Classification section of the Competition Handbook Water Ski for the Disabled. General guidelines are as follows :
· MP1: Athletes unable to utilise the majority of their trunk musculature and rise from their knees without arm support. They lack full use of their upper extremities. Typically, they do not have adequate grip strength and may utilise their forearms or wrists to hold the handle.
· MP2: Athletes able to use their upper trunk muscles and raise their body partially from their knees in the skiing position. Typically, they have full use of their upper extremities.
· MP3: Athletes with good use of the majority of their trunk muscles, possibly including abdominals. Typically, they are able to raise the trunk from their knees in the skiing position and have full use of their upper extremities.
Vision impaired skiers shall be classified as follows, using the best eye with the best possible correction:
· V1: No light perception at all in either eye, up to light perception but inability to recognize the shape of a hand at any distance or in any direction.
· V2: From ability to recognize the shape of a hand up to a visual acuity of 2/60 (20/600) and/or a visual field of less than five degrees.
· V3: From a visual acuity of 2/60 (20/600) up to a visual acuity of 6/60 (20/200) and/or a visual field of more than five degrees and less than twenty degrees.
Skiers classified as V2 and V3 will always ski in one single category named V2/3.
Skiers with significant arm and leg impairment, arm and leg amputation, and hemiplegia are eligible for this category which may also include skiers with cerebral palsy and other disabilities/conditions.
Delete: In any event, the disabled upper limb cannot come in contact,
directly or indirectly, with the tow handle or the tow line while the skier is
in the course. If this happens, it will have the same consequences as if a fall
had occurred at that moment.
Rule T.4.01 does not apply and is replaced with the following:
Each Federation which is affiliated with the IWSF shall have the right to select a team of skiers to represent its Federation in the World Championships.
The team shall consist of a maximum of 14 skiers with the further limitation that no team may have more than four men in any category and no more than four women in any category. However, if this last limitation is violated because of the recategorization of some skier(s), this will be acceptable (see D.4.04).
A World Record holder not selected for his national team may compete as an individual in the World Championships, in the event in which the record is held, provided he is entered by his Federation.
Skiers entering as individuals shall not have their scores count towards team standings.
To qualify as a World Record holder, the skier must have performed the record at least 45 days before the first day of familiarisation of the World Championships and have his performance ratified by the Disabled Council and the President of the IWSF 15 days before the first day of familiarisation of the World Championships.
Rules T.4.03 to T.4.07 do not apply: It is the responsibility of each Federation to determine if its competitors are of sufficient standards of competence and medical fitness to compete in the World Championships.
In order to enter the jump event, a skier must prove that he has successfully landed a jump.
In order to enter the slalom event:
· a skier of category A, L, MP2, MP3 or A/L must prove that he has successfully completed a pass on the inner or outer slalom course at any competition speed;
· a skier of category LP must prove that he has successfully completed a pass on the outer slalom course at any competition speed.
In order to enter the audio slalom event a skier of category V1 or V2/3 must prove that he has completed a pass on the audio slalom course at any competition speed.
In order to enter the tricks event :
· a skier of category A, LP, MP1, MP2, MP3, V1 or V2/3 must prove that he is capable of scoring 200 points;
· a skier of category L, A/L1 or A/L2 must prove that he is capable of scoring 50 points.
These performances must have been performed during the year of the competition or the two years prior.
A skier who is not included in a Region’s or a World Standings List with a qualifying performance shall provide a proficiency certificate. A proficiency certificate is a free-form document signed by a first or second class international judge for Tournament (or a judge for disabled of an equivalent standard) in which the signatory certifies that he has personally observed the skier achieving the qualifying performance successfully in conditions similar to those of a competition. The date of observation must be stated on the certificate.
Classification of all skiers will take place at each World Championships, prior to official familiarisation, as defined in the Competition Handbook Water Ski for the Disabled.
The Chief Judge, in conjunction with the Chief Classification Officer, shall appoint the time and place of the tests and inform the competitors by posting. The tests must be scheduled to be completed at least 18 hours before the beginning of the competition.
Any skier failing to comply with the classification procedures as described in the present rulebook or in the relevant classification sections of the Competition Handbook Water Ski for the Disabled or with the instructions communicated by the classification officials shall not be allowed to compete.
If, according to the procedures defined in D.4.03, a skier neither qualifies for the category in which he has been entered by his Federation nor for any other category, he will not be allowed to compete.
If, according to the procedures defined in D.4.03, a skier does not qualify for the category in which he has been entered by his Federation but qualifies for another category, the Chief Classification Officer and the Chief Judge shall normally authorize the skier to compete in this other category. However, if they unanimously consider that entering the skier in the wrong category was the result of negligence, the skier shall not be allowed to compete.
In the event of a skier being reclassified
from category V2/3 to category V1, he may elect to compete as a V2/3 skier at the competition at which the
reclassification occurs and only that competition.
D.4.05 – Publication of the official entry list
A complete skier entry list shall be posted 24 hours before
the start of classification.
As soon as practical but no later than 12 hours before the first day of competition, the results of the classification procedures shall be published by posting a list showing the classification decisions, i.e., the category in which each skier is allowed to compete and the name of each skier not allowed to compete.
This rule replaces rules T.5.01 to T.5.06.
Each competitor shall be awarded in each event a certain number of overall points according to the relationship of his better score of either the preliminary or final round to the minimum score needed to set or equal a World record in the event for the same category and division as it stood on 1st of January of the year of the first day of the competition. Scores obtained in running off a tie shall not be considered for calculating overall points.
In each event a skier's overall points is given by the following formula:
In the formula, tricks, slalom and audio slalom scores are measured in event points (see D.15.05 and D.14.04) and jumping scores as the distances obtained or factored (see D.13.05).
There will be individual overall placement for each category and each division.
To be considered for individual overall placement, a contestant must have received scores above zero (0) in all three events.
Placement shall be determined by adding each contestant's overall points in the three events.
Team overall placement is based on the overall points obtained by skiers who are official members of a Federation team. The five best overall scores, men or women, from any category, in each event, i.e., a total of 15 scores, shall be summed up to obtain the team overall placement. For this purpose, any individual score exceeding 1,200 points shall be reduced to 1,200 points.
If there are six or more competitors in an event or in overall for a category and a division, then gold, silver and bronze will be awarded; if there are five competitors in an event or in overall for a category and a division, then gold and silver will be awarded; if there are three or four competitors in an event or in overall for a category and a division, then gold only will be awarded; if there are less than three competitors in an event or in overall for a category and a division, then no medal will be awarded. However, a skier with a score of zero (0) in the preliminary round of an event will not receive a medal for that event.
these numbers of entries are not achieved, any skier placed first, second or
third shall be entitled to a gold, silver or bronze medal respectively if in either
the preliminary or final round he scores at least 900 overall points for an
individual event or 2700 points for individual overall. If a bronze medal is
awarded under this stipulation, then gold and silver medals will also be
awarded irrespective of whether the first and second place skiers scored the
required number of overall points. Similarly, if a silver medal is awarded
under this stipulation, a gold medal will also be awarded.
Rule T.6.01 applies with the following changes:
· replace the words "2 to 4 additional boat drivers" with "1 to 4 additional boat drivers";
· add the provision that it is recommended that the Chief Judge, Chief Scorer and Chief Driver should be from different Regions.
Rule T.6.02 applies except that there will be exactly three judges from each Region.
Members of Classification Teams must
have the qualifications defined in the Competition Handbook Water Ski for the
The Chief Classification Officer shall not be a member of the Classification Teams.
The Safety Director shall be a person fully conversant and experienced with disabled water skiing.
In all three events, it shall be optional for skiing to be carried out with a quick release in the boat and used in accordance with rule T.15.11 (last four paragraphs).
The tow line and/or handle shall not be attached in any way to the ski(s) or the body of the skier unless attached via a fail-safe "dead man's handle" type of fitting which automatically disengages on a fall. The Safety Director shall satisfy himself that it functions properly.
The Safety Director must also satisfy himself, and if in doubt refer the matter to the Appointed Judges, that any special device whatsoever complies with rule T.10.03.e and would also automatically allow the skier to fall free without being trapped and would be unlikely to injure the skier in a fall.
The use of a shock absorber (tube) on the rope is mandatory in slalom and jump.
Rule T.7.06 applies with first sentence
Two safety
boats shall be used during all events and familiarisation periods.
Item 1) of
Rule T.7.08 is replaced with:
A suitably
qualified medical officer will be in attendance during familiarisation and all
tournament events.
Plastic buckles shall not be permitted as the
primary support on MP jump slings.
Rule T.8 applies.
Compliance with rule T.9.02 shall mean compliance with these Technical Rules Water Ski for the Disabled.
Rule T.10.03.a is replaced with:
A skiing device is defined as a piece of equipment which fully supports the weight of a skier when he is in skiing position (D.12.05). If the maximum width of a skiing device does not exceed 30 percent of its overall length, it is defined as a ski; if its maximum width exceeds 30 percent of its overall length, it is defined as a board.
Rule T.10.03.b is replaced with:
Any type of bindings may be used.
Rules T.10.03.c and T.10.03.d apply.
Rules T.10.03.e applies to all skiing devices.
A special device is defined as any device not normally allowed under Tournament rules and not explicitly allowed or required in the rules for disabled skiing. Such special devices may only be used providing they are used solely to compensate for the particular disability of the skier and are authorized in accordance with D.10.03. Any special device, even though properly authorized, may only be used by a contestant at his own risk.
Any special device must be submitted for approval by the Appointed Judges before the start of the tournament (i.e., before any skier from any category skis in the first event) or at any earlier time, at the Chief Judge's discretion.
Any prosthesis in normal use by the contestant or in normal usage for that type of disability, even if it is specially modified, shall not be considered a special device requiring authorization, provided it complies with the safety standards under D.7 (however, see D.2.08 for limitations in the use of prostheses).
In all events, V1 skiers shall be required to wear a blindfold or black-out goggles. Such equipment is to be provided by the skier himself and has to be approved by the homologator or his delegate immediately prior to the start of the skier.
If the skier loses the blindfold or the goggles or if they get out of position while he is in a competition course, the skier shall have a zero score for the pass.
Skiers in the V1 category who have
bilateral prosthetic eyes shall not be required to wear black-out goggles. It is the team captain's responsibility to
bring proof of the skier's classification to the starting dock. If this proof
is not provided, the skier will be required to wear black-out goggles.
Rule T.10.06 applies with the following exception:
It is acceptable that the depth of the “V” of a skier supplied handle be longer than 32 cm but, in such a case, the use of a quick release is mandatory.
If the length of the handle attachment of a skier supplied handle is longer than 152.50 cm, the handle shall be considered as a special device and all procedures for special devices shall apply (see D.7.03 and D.10.02). In addition, it is the skier’s responsibility to provide equipment in order that the overall length of the rope be within tolerances for all rope lengths used. Such equipment must be approved by the homologator.
Any ASSG to be used in a World Championships must
be approved by the IWSF Disabled Technical Committee. The specific make and
model of ASSG chosen from the list of approved ASSGs to be used at the World
Championships will be notified to the IWSF Disabled Council and all Federations
at the same time as notification of tow boat make/model.
T.10.04 applies except that the 9.50m shortening
shall not be used.
Rule T.11.02 applies with the first sentence modified to read:
All indicated speeds in slalom, audio slalom and tricks shall be accurate to plus or minus one km/h.
Rule T.12.01 applies with the following changes and additions:
· the tournament layout shall be as modified in Diagram D1 and Diagram D2;
· the turns at the end of each run shall normally be clockwise, but may be varied according to the site; in any case, the contestants must be informed before the start of the tournament, by posting, of the course to be taken by the boat;
· in audio slalom, the entrance of the course is defined as the perpendicular line of the pre-gate buoys.
Loud audible signals shall be given from the boat for the skiers in categories V1 and V2/3 as follows:
· one short blast: entrance of the course;
· two short blasts: end of pass or return to the centre of the wake and follow boat;
· one long blast: controlled stop.
The Tournament Committee shall provide two types of audible devices (normally whistles and air horns) and each contestant may choose the type of device to be used.
The audible device used for these signals must produce a sound which cannot be confused with the sound of the Audio Slalom Signal Generator nor of the audible device used from the shore for indicating the end of a pass in tricks.
A skier has a standing attitude during a period of time if the only part of the body which remains in contact with the skiing device for most of the time is the foot or feet of the skier or the part of a leg prosthesis representing the foot. This does not prevent a skier from touching occasionally the ski with another part of the body. Any attitude where another part of the body remains in contact with the skiing device for most of the time is defined as sitting. This includes a skier kneeling or lying on a ski or board.
This rule replaces rule T.12.02.
For a skier in standing attitude, a fall in any event is defined as accomplished at the moment any one of the following occurs:
· the skier loses possession of the tow line;
· the skier does not have at least one skiing device (ski or board) on one foot;
· the weight of the skier is not primarily supported by his skiing device(s) and, in addition, the skier is ultimately unable to regain standing skiing position.
For a skier in sitting attitude, a fall in any event is defined as accomplished at the moment any one of the following occurs:
· the skier loses possession of the tow line;
· the skier does not have possession of at least one skiing device (ski or board);
· the weight of the skier is not primarily supported by his skiing device(s) and, in addition, the skier is ultimately unable to regain sitting skiing position.
This rule replaces rule T.12.03.
Standing skiing position is defined as that position in which all of the following exists:
· the skier has possession of the tow line;
· the skier is riding forward or backward with one or two skiing devices on his feet;
· the weight of the skier is entirely supported by his skiing device(s), or the skier is ultimately able to regain control.
Sitting skiing position is defined as that position in which all of the following exists:
· the skier has possession of the tow line;
· the skier is riding forward or backward on one or two skiing devices;
· the weight of the skier is entirely supported by his skiing device(s) or the skier is ultimately able to regain control.
Rule T.13.01 applies with the following additions and modifications:
Skiers from all categories are eligible to jump under the following conditions:
· Skiers from categories A, V1 and V2/3 must use two skis and must have a standing attitude.
· Skiers from category L have the choice between using one ski with a standing attitude and using one board with a sitting attitude.
· Skiers from categories LP, A/L1 and A/L2 shall have the choice of using one or two skis with a standing attitude and using one board with a sitting attitude.
· Skiers from categories MP1, MP2 and MP3 may use any skiing device and must have a sitting attitude.
Skiers having a choice of skiing device and/or skiing attitude must inform the Boat Judge of their decision before starting and cannot change during the round. However, a skier may change his decision for the second round.
All skiers will have the option of choosing between an approximate ramp height of 1.0 m, 1.25 m, 1.50 m or 1.65 m (see rule D.13.02 for the exact definition).
Skiers from each category jumping with the same ramp height will be drawn together. For each category, skiers using a lower height will jump before those using a higher height. It is recommended that all skiers from each category be scheduled so that they have similar conditions.
Paragraph 7 of rule T.13.01 about falls is replaced with: A fall after the ride-out line defined by buoys 15ET and 19ET of the jump course shall not eliminate a skier from the following pass provided that the fall is the result of a jump.
The last two paragraphs of rule T.13.01 shall apply as amended in D.2.05.
Rule T.13.02 applies with the following modifications:
Item T13.02.c is replaced with: Length under water: 1.30 m minimum.
Item T13.02.d is replaced with: Ratio of ramp height at takeoff edge of the ramp out of water: 0.255 +/-0.003 (approximately 1.65 m), 0.235 +/- 0.003 (approximately 1.5 m), 0.190 +/- 0.005 (approximately 1.25 m) or 0.150 +/- 0.005 (approximately 1.0 m) at the skier's option.
The notification of ramp height in item T.13.02.e applies to all jumpers, not men jumpers only. It will be assumed that a skier entering the jump event but failing to indicate a ramp height jumps on a 1.0 m ramp. A skier may change the ramp height indicated on the official entry form prior to the scheduled start of familiarisation.
In T13.02.g, the height of the apron under water shall be measured when the ramp is set for the 1.65 m height.
If it is not possible to lower the ramp down to 1.00 m or 1.25 m, the ramp heights which cannot be offered to the skiers will be replaced with the minimum height ramp setting. However, the 1.0 m and 1.25 m ramp heights shall not be eliminated so that the 1.65 m height may be offered. The minimum length under water is given according to the following table:
Minimum height |
1.00 m |
1.10 m |
1.20 m |
1.30 m |
1.40 m |
1.50 m |
1.65 m |
Minimum length under water |
1.30 m |
1.20 m |
1.10 m |
1.00 m |
0.80 m |
0.60 m |
0.50 m |
The homologator will post a notice stating which is the actual minimum ramp height that can be achieved.
The table about boat timing in rule T.13.04 is replaced with the following table:
Speed |
82 m segment |
41 m segment |
Km/h |
Actual |
Min |
– |
Max |
Actual |
Min |
– |
Max |
57 |
5.18 |
5.11 |
– |
5.25 |
2.40 |
2.36 |
– |
2.46 |
If there is any doubt that a skier will not react appropriately to the signal indicating that the officials are stopping a jump (see T.13.06), they should stop the boat in emergency while tapping the tow line.
The first part of T.13.07 should be modified to read: A jump shall be scored when the skier passes over the ramp, lands and skis past the 50 m ride-out line of buoys 15ET and 19ET without falling.
In applying rule T.13.08, if a contestant fails to start with the first attempt (see D.2.05), this will not be considered a fall.
For categories V1 and V2/3, each contestant shall have a guide fully experienced in guiding a vision impaired skier up to the ramp. The selection of the guide, who will be considered a part of the skier's equipment, is made by the skier who assumes all responsibilities for his actions.
At all times, the guide skier shall communicate to the contestant any signals from the Boat Judge (distances jumped, etc.).
The guide skier will ski along side the boat side of the contestant with a separate tow rope of the same length. The guide must release the contestant before the skier's skis touch the ramp and must not touch the contestant again until they have passed the 50 m ride-out line of buoys 15ET and 19ET and the skier has regained skiing position. On releasing the contestant, the guide must not go over any part of the ramp but must ski around the boat side of the ramp. If the guide goes over the ramp, the contestant's jump will score zero. However, should the guide's skis make minor contact with the corner of the ramp while he is attempting this movement, the jump, if successful, will not be disallowed.
In the event of a contestant falling, the guide skier will assist the contestant in getting his skis, finding the handle, etc.
In the event of the guide skier falling after he released the skier in front of the ramp and before the skier reaches the ride-out line, the boat will continue and the jump will be scored as if the fall had not happened.
In the event of the guide skier falling at any other moment, the boat crew will take whatever action is appropriate given the circumstances in order to prevent the skier from jumping (stop in emergency, come to a controlled stop or request the skier to follow the boat).
A skier will not be penalized for a fall of the guide provided that the fall is not a voluntary fall. A voluntary fall or refusal by the guide shall be dealt with as if done by the skier.
The distance jumped by a skier from category L, LP, A/L1 and A/L2 jumping in a sitting attitude shall be divided by three.
The last two paragraphs of T.13.12 do not apply
(see D.5.01).
A slalom course with two sets of skier buoys (see Diagram D1) shall be used.
The gate buoys, the guide buoys and the set of skier buoys at 11.5 m from the axis of the slalom course constitute the outer slalom course. The gate buoys, the guide buoys and the set of skier buoys at 6.4 m from the axis of the slalom course constitute the inner slalom course. Inner skier buoys shall be a different colour from outer skier buoys.
The 55m pre-gate buoys, the gate buoys and guide buoys in conjunction with an Audio Slalom Signal Generator (ASSG) as specified in D.10.07 shall constitute the audio slalom course. Alternatively, as determined by the Chief Judge, the buoys in the audio slalom course may be replaced by a single line of six buoys set out according to the placement of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th buoys in one of the lines of pre-gate, entry gate and guide buoys in the above configuration. The imaginary buoys in the audio slalom course, as generated by the ASSG, shall be at a width of 10.1 m from the centerline of the course.
Skiers from categories A, L and LP shall use the outer slalom course. Skiers from categories MP1, MP2, MP3, A/L1 and A/L2 shall use both the inner and the outer courses. The audio slalom course shall be used by skiers from categories V1 and V2/3.
Skiers from categories A, LP, A/L1 and A/L2 may use one or two ski(s) and must have a standing attitude.
Skiers from category L must use one ski and must have a standing attitude.
Skiers from categories MP1, MP2 and MP3 may use any skiing device and must have a sitting attitude.
Skiers from categories V1 and V2/3 may use one or two ski(s) and must have a standing attitude.
Each category will be drawn separately.
Rules D.14.05 to D.14.11 apply only to use of the audio slalom course.
Rule D.14.12 applies only to use of the inner and outer courses.
Skiers having a choice of one or two skis must inform the Boat Judge of their decision before starting and cannot change during the round. However, a skier may change his decision for the second round.
The starting conditions in rules T.14.01 and T.14.15 shall apply as amended in D.2.05.
Dual segment timing boat times in T.14.03 are replaced with:
Dual timing |
Speed |
1st segment |
2nd segment |
Km/h |
Actual |
Min |
– |
Max |
Actual |
Min |
– |
Max |
58 |
6.77 |
6.69 |
– |
6.84 |
9.31 |
9.21 |
– |
9.42 |
in audio slalom, the time period for a skier's pass shall be measured automatically
by the ASSG from the point of commencement of his pass (see D.14.05) based upon the boat speed for this pass as specified
in the table below:
Boat Speed |
Time Period (+/- 0.3 sec) |
58 Km/h |
16.1 sec |
55 Km/h |
17.0 sec |
52 Km/h |
17.9 sec |
49 Km/h |
19.0 sec |
46 Km/h |
20.3 sec |
43 Km/h |
21.7 sec |
40 Km/h |
23.3 sec |
37 Km/h |
25.2 sec |
34 Km/h |
27.4 sec |
31 Km/h |
30.1 sec |
28 Km/h |
33.3 sec |
Rule T.14.17 applies neither to slalom nor to audio slalom.
For inner and
outer course slalom, the first paragraph of T.14.07 applies. For audio slalom,
the first paragraph of T.14.07 is replaced with the following:
The skier shall enter the audio slalom
course to the left of the line of the left hand pre-gate and entry gate buoys,
proceed to the right-hand side of the wake and, by skiing wide enough to cause
the ASSG to generate an audible signal, round the first imaginary buoy. The skier may then round further imaginary buoys
on alternating sides of the centreline by skiing wide enough on each turn to
generate the audible signal. Six imaginary buoys followed by the skier crossing
the line of the left hand entry and exit gate buoys before the expiration of
the time period for his pass constitute a perfect pass. After a perfect pass a
skier may turn and proceed in a similar fashion down the course in the opposite
For inner,
outer and audio slalom courses the second paragraph of T.14.07 applies and the
remainder of T.14.07 is replaced with the following:
The minimum starting speed for all categories is 31 Km/h for men and 28 Km/h for women. The maximum speed is 58 Km/h for men and 55 Km/h for women.
For all categories, the skier:
· may perform all passes up to maximum speed with any constant rope length on the inner or outer course instead of 18.25m. (See fourth paragraph of D.14.01 for which categories may use the inner course). A constant rope length is defined as one of the following: 18.25m, 16.00m, 14.25m, 13.00m, 12.00m, 11.25m or thereafter with the rope shortened by 0.50m for each pass.
· must notify the dock official of his starting pass any time before he starts his run. A skier who fails to do so will start at the maximum starting rope length and at the minimum starting speed.
· may stop in slalom after each pass a maximum of 30 seconds provided the skier notifies the dock official before he starts his run. The skier may only elect to stop after every pass or not to stop after any pass.
· may opt to skip further passes. If a skier misses in a pass that follows an optionally skipped pass, he shall be scored as if the buoys were scored in the pass following the last completed pass (or, in the first pass, if he did not complete any pass). If the skier is not at maximum speed, he must notify the dock official of all planned skipped passes any time before he starts his run.
For categories A, L and LP, the skier may elect to start with any outer course pass.
For categories V1 and V2/3, the skier may elect to start with any audio slalom pass.
For categories A, L, LP, V1 and V2/3, the succession of passes is as follows:
· with any constant rope length selected by the skier, from minimum starting speed to maximum speed in 3 Km/h increments;
· at maximum speed, starting with a rope length selected from one of the following and then successively down: 18.25m, 16.00m, 14.25m, 13.00m, 12.00m, 11.25m or thereafter with the rope shortened by 0.50m for each pass.
For categories MP1, MP2, MP3, A/L1 and A/L2, the skier may elect to start with any pass in the inner or outer course. If he starts with an inner course pass, after he completes any perfect inner course pass, he may perform all subsequent passes in the outer course starting with any outer course pass at any constant rope length. The skier must notify the dock official of his first and last inner course passes (if any) and of his outer course starting pass any time before he starts his run. A skier who fails to do so will start at the maximum starting rope length and at the minimum starting speed on the inner course and ski all inner course passes before being required to ski on the outer course at the maximum starting rope length and at the minimum starting speed.
For categories MP1, MP2, MP3, A/L1 and A/L2, the succession of passes is as follows:
· on the inner course, with any constant rope length selected by the skier, from minimum starting speed to maximum speed in 3 Km/h increments;
· on the inner course, at maximum speed, starting with a rope length selected from one of the following and then successively down to and including 8.75m: 18.25m, 16.00m, 14.25m, 13.00m, 12.00m, 11.25m or thereafter with the rope shortened by 0.50 m for each pass;
· on the outer course, with any constant rope length selected by the skier, from minimum starting speed to maximum speed in 3 Km/h increments;
· on the outer course, at maximum speed, starting with a rope length selected from one of the following and then successively down: 18.25m, 16.00m, 14.25m, 13.00m, 12.00m, 11.25m or thereafter with the rope shortened by 0.50m for each pass.
Only the first sentence of rule T.14.11 applies (see also D.5.01). The remaining part of rule T.14.11 is replaced with:
The skier will be credited with all buoys from each (inner and outer) pass waived or skied up to and including his last perfect pass plus the number of buoys scored on his last incomplete pass, if any.
The score of the skier shall be equal to the buoy count from inner course passes divided by two plus the buoy count from outer course passes.
When a skier starts on the inner or outer course with a rope length shorter than 18.25m, scoring will be as if the skier had used an 18.25 m rope for all passes below maximum speed. (See fourth paragraph of D.14.01 for which categories may use the inner course.)
skier shall enter the audio slalom course to the left of the left
boat wake. The skier's pass commences when he first crosses the right
boat wake after the entry to the audio slalom course. If the skier has
not crossed this line by the time he reaches the perpendicular line of the
entry gate then his pass commences when he passes the perpendicular line of the
entry gate. In this case, it is the responsibility
of the boat judge to manually force the ASSG to commence timing the pass by
pressing the arm button a second time.
Rule T.14.08 is replaced with the following:
If the skier executes a turn and commences
returning to the wake without an imaginary buoy signal being generated by the
turn, this is a miss and the skier's round is terminated.
Rule T.14.09 is replaced with the following:
Each time the skier rounds an imaginary buoy in
the course by causing a signal to be generated, he scores half a point. When
the skier crosses the first boat wake, he scores a full
point for that imaginary buoy provided the time period for his pass has not yet
Any skier electing to use a quick
release in audio slalom shall be responsible for providing a quick release that
does not interfere with the operation of the ASSG.
Replace the final paragraph of T.14.13 with the
There will always be three people in the boat.
These will be the driver, the judge and a signaller designated by the skier.
The signaller shall be considered part of the skier’s equipment and any error
made shall be considered as an error made by the skier himself. The role of the
signaller shall be to inform the skier of the approach of the audio slalom
course and indicate to the skier when to commence his pass. Any signal made by
the signaller after the skier has commenced his pass and prior to the end of
the skier's pass shall terminate the skier’s round.
The ASSG shall be operated by the boat
judge. The boat judge will communicate to the other
event judges any information supplied by the ASSG on number of buoys scored
prior to the judges communicating their scores. The scores communicated by the
judges shall determine the skier’s score.
The ASSG must be homologated
before and after use each day by the Homologator.
The ASSG fitted to the boat shall be
checked by the Homologator before and after each round of the audio slalom
event to ensure that it is securely fastened to the pylon and generates signals
symmetrically on both sides of the boat (i.e., it is properly centered on the
The first seven paragraphs of T.14.14 are replaced with the following:
An automatic timing device must be used to verify boat speed. No timing official shall ride in the boat.
In the event that either segment is faster or slower than allowable in the first table in D.14.02, the skier shall have the option of a reride but shall not be scored less than the score obtained on the pass leading to the reride. If a reride is taken, the boat shall immediately return through the course in an unscored pass; and the reride shall then follow in the original direction through the course.
The remainder of T.14.14, except for the table entitled Boat Times and Reride Situations, shall apply.
T.14.14 applies except that the first three
sentences of the fourth paragraph are replaced with:
Where the applicable speed is slower than
allowable on any pass, a rerun shall be mandatory. If either time is too slow, a reride is mandatory. If the pass
was not a perfect pass, the skier may improve his score over that obtained on
the slow pass. However, his original score is not protected except as specified
in the Boat Times and Reride Situations table when the 1st segment is either OK
or fast, the 2nd segment is slow and the skier’s score is greater
than 2 ½.
T.14.18 applies except that the second sentence
of the second to last paragraph is replaced with:
If the pass was not a perfect pass, the skier may
improve his score over that obtained on the slow pass. However, his original
score is not protected.
Skiers from categories A, V1 and V2/3 may use one or two ski(s) and must have a standing attitude.
Skiers from category L have the choice between using one ski with a standing attitude and using one board with a sitting attitude. However, the rules of any competition may request skiers from category L to use one ski with a standing attitude for at least one or for both passes. At the World Championships, skiers from category L must use one ski with a standing attitude for at least one pass.
Skiers from category LP must use one or two ski(s) with a standing attitude.
Skiers from categories MP1, MP2 and MP3 may use any skiing device and must have a sitting attitude.
Skiers from the categories A/L1 and A/L2 have a choice of using one or two ski(s) with a standing attitude and using one board with a sitting attitude.
Skiers having a choice of equipment may change equipment between passes except that starting a second pass on two skis is only allowed if the end of the first pass was on two skis or a board.
Rules T.15.04, T.15.06 and T.15.09 apply with the following signal informing skiers from categories V1 and V2/3:
When the skier reaches the first entrance buoy, the "entrance of the course signal" (one short blast, see D.12.02) shall be given.
For the skier's information, an "end of pass signal" (two short blasts, see D.12.02) shall be given from the boat after the official shore signal.
A signaller designated by the skier shall ride in the boat to inform the skier with the audible signals. This person will be considered a part of the skier's equipment and any error made will be considered as an error made by the skier himself. If any signal is given during a pass, the skier will lose that pass. The signaller will also act as the quick release person, if needed.
The starting conditions in rule T.15.01 and T.15.08 shall apply as amended in D.2.05.
All tournament tricks are acceptable except that stepover line tricks and toehold tricks other than toehold side slides are not accepted from skiers having a sitting attitude.
For skiers in category L:
· fitting the stump in the harness will constitute a toe-hold;
· to complete a stepover, the stump must be brought close to the skiing leg after the turn before the next trick or the end of the pass;
· for ski line tricks, the provision that both feet must be on the ski does not apply.
Tricks score as in the table of tricks values, i.e., according to the skiing device(s) and independent of the attitude.
Tricks performed on a board score one quarter of the trick value on two skis if that trick exists on two skis and otherwise one quarter of the trick value on one ski.
Rule T.15.08 applies except that, for V skiers, the option to stop between passes exists even in the case of a fall.
The last two paragraphs of T.15.17 do not apply
(see D.5.01).
Rule T.15.12
applies except that video trick timing is optional.
The first sentence of rule T.16.01 is replaced with:
The IWSF shall recognize World records for trick points, slalom performances, audio slalom performances and jump distances for the Men's and Women's divisions in each of the categories defined in D.3.02.
T.16.05a does
not apply.
First paragraph of rule T.16.02 is replaced with:
Records may be set only at tournaments homologated by the IWSF, a Region or a Federation according to the Rules for Disabled Water Skiing in force at the time the performance is made.
In all categories, records may only be set by
skiers holding a current classification for this category issued by a properly
constituted classification team at one or more of the following tournaments:
World Championships, Region Championships, U.S. National Championships and
Australian National Championships.
No performance will be accepted as a World Record unless it equals or exceeds the following minimum:
Women |
Men |
Category |
Slalom |
Tricks |
Jump |
Slalom |
Tricks |
Jump |
A/L1 |
5.00/55/16.00 inner |
80 |
4.0 |
2.00/58/11.25 inner |
160 |
5.4 |
A/L2 |
4.00/34/18.25 outer |
1190 |
5.0 |
4.00/43/18.25 outer |
1190 |
6.4 |
L |
3.00/46/18.25 outer |
200 |
6.0 |
0.50/52/18.25 outer |
300 |
6.4 |
LP |
3.00/46/18.25 outer |
300 |
8.0 |
0.50/52/18.25 outer |
750 |
12.0 |
A |
6.00/40/18.25 outer |
350 |
10.0 |
2.00/55/18.25 outer |
700 |
32.5 |
V1 |
6.00/52/18.25 outer |
220 |
7.0 |
6.00/58/18.25 outer |
430 |
10.0 |
V2/3 |
6.00/55/16.00 outer |
220 |
8.0 |
6.00/58/16.00 outer |
430 |
14.9 |
MP1 |
6.00/28/18.25 inner |
200 |
5.0 |
6.00/31/18.25 inner |
400 |
6.0 |
MP2 |
5.50/46/18.25 inner |
500 |
10.0 |
3.00/55/18.25 inner |
540 |
13.0 |
MP3 |
5.50/46/18.25 inner |
680 |
12.0 |
2.00/58/11.25 inner |
260 |
17.9 |
A record performance by an L skier equalling or exceeding the LP record shall be considered a new standard for equalling or exceeding the existing LP record.
A record performance by a MP1 skier equalling or exceeding the MP2 or MP3 record shall be considered a new standard for equalling or exceeding the existing MP2 or MP3 record.
A record performance by a MP2 skier equalling or exceeding the MP3 record shall be considered a new standard for equalling or exceeding the existing MP3 record.
A record performance by a V1 skier equalling or exceeding the V2/3 record shall be considered a new standard for equalling or exceeding the existing V2/3 record.
A record performance by an A/L1 skier equalling or exceeding the A/L2 record shall be considered a new standard for equalling or exceeding the existing A/L2 record.
For the audio slalom event, a performance shall be a new record if it exceeds by ½ point or more the current official record. If the score is equalled, the skier will become co-holder of the established record.
Audio slalom records are processed the same as slalom records.
For slalom and audio slalom records, video tape is necessary for all passes and shall be processed
as per T.16.07(a).
For tricks
records, video trick timing shall be used.
In T.16.08.c replace “one week” with “three weeks” twice and replace “(7 days)” with “(21 days)”.
Rules T.16.08.d to T.16.08.g do not apply, except as specified below, and are replaced with:
Upon receipt of the form and the necessary support documentation, the Chairman of the IWSF Disabled Council and one other member of the Council, nominated by the Chairman and elected by the Council, will either approve or disapprove the application, amending it if needed:
· If they agree to deny the application, the Chairman will advise the IWSF Disabled Council and the skier’s National Federation of their decision which will be final.
· If they agree to approve the application, the Chairman will advise the IWSF Disabled Council and the IWSF President of their decision and the record will then be official, pending final ratification by the IWSF President. The Chairman will advise the IWSF Disabled Council and the skier’s National Federation of the decision of the IWSF President.
In the case of non-resolvable disagreements, the Chairman will inform the IWSF Disabled Council of both positions, send needed documentation and follow the procedures in T.16.08.d to T.16.08g.
Appendix 1 – Demonstration
Demonstration categories aim at providing the World Disabled Council with information regarding disabled skiers who do not presently qualify to enter the World Championships in one of the regular categories defined in D.3.02. These skiers are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in order to encourage the World Disabled Council to define new categories for inclusion in future World Championships.
A.1.02 – Categories and classification
No category is defined in advance. As a general principle, a category will be open for any skier with any kind of disability provided that:
· the skier is not eligible for a regular category; and
· his disability is the major reason for preventing a fair competition with able bodied skiers; and
· the skier shows sufficient comprehension of the rules involved.
However, the World Disabled Council may decide to refuse skiers with some specific disabilities. Such decisions must be communicated to all affiliated National Federations at least six months before the World Championships.
All classification operations are under the joint responsibility of the Chief Judge and of the Chief Classification Officer who may request all examinations and testing that they deem necessary. Their decisions, which shall be final, shall be published as in 0.
The general principle is that each skier will ski alone in his own category.
Under the exceptional circumstances where two or more skiers have the same kind of disability with comparable degree of disability, the Chief Judge and the Chief Classification Officer may decide to classify them in a single category if they unanimously estimate that a competition between these skiers will be a genuine and fair one.
A.1.03 – Rules for each category
The rules for each category are not defined in advance. Whenever feasible, the rules and technical conditions for demonstration categories shall be similar to those used for regular categories. All interpretations and exceptions should be decided within the framework of the objective of these categories (see A.1.01).
The Chief Judge shall post rules proposals for each category as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours before the first day of the competition. These proposals shall become effective unless the Appointed Judges, on their own initiative or upon request of a competitor, change them before the start of the competition.
A.1.04 – Entry requirements and team size
Any skier willing to participate in a demonstration category must be entered as such by his National Federation. A skier entered in a regular category may not be recategorized into a demonstration category.
Each Federation may enter a maximum of six skiers in demonstration categories.
For each skier entered in demonstration categories, in addition to the information requested in rule D.2.07, the National Federation shall provide a medical dossier giving full details regarding the skier's disability and a technical dossier explaining any peculiarity regarding the skier's skiing techniques which might affect the competition. The following information must always be provided:
· the skiing device(s) used in each event (see D.10.01);
· the skiing attitude(s) for each event (see D.12.03);
· whether the skier will slalom or audio slalom and, if slaloming, the course he will be using.
A.1.05 – Results and certificates
There is no placement nor overall for demonstration categories. For each category, a list of the skiers in alphabetical order shall be posted. This list shall show the scores of each skier in each event without overall points.
There are no medals or titles. Each skier shall receive a certificate of participation issued by the IWSF.
Appendix 2 – Record capability
tournament standards
Tournament Additional rules for IWSF Record Capability and Ranking List Tournament Standards do not apply and are replaced with the following:
Administrative requirements:
· Prior announcement to Region DC and approval by Region DC.
· Homologation dossier check by Region DC (in case of a record, record procedures must also be performed).
· Prior approval of panel by Region DC (this includes Chief Judge, Assistant Chief Judge if any, Homologator, Chief Scorer, Judges, Drivers).
· Conflict of interest rule: Organizing National Federation rule apply.
Format of the competition:
· Number of rounds: maximum three rounds or a preliminary round and an 8 skiers “head-to-head” competition.
· Any rule changing the format of the competition is acceptable provided it does not significantly affect the skiing.
· Minimum 5 skiers in the competition (all categories together and including able-bodied skiers if the competition is part of a TOU competition).
Technical requirements:
· Courses tolerances, all events: as per Rule book.
· Jump, slalom and audio slalom courses check: survey; tricks courses check: visual.
Jump timing: automatic recommended;
slalom timing: automatic; tricks timing: semi-automatic.
· ASSG model approved by the IWSF Disabled Technical Committee.
· Jump measurement equipment, set-up, verifications and calculations: same as in Tournament.
· Slalom and audio slalom judging tower: same as tournament.
· Slalom and audio slalom, dimension of buoys: measured.
Slalom and audio slalom end course video: yes
Slalom and audio slalom video method: same as
in Tournament.
· Tricks video: mandatory.
Qualification of officials: all officials must be qualified for Tournament RC competition and, in addition, where required, be qualified for working at disabled competition as per Region standard.
· Chief Judge: First class, qualified for disabled skiing.
· Chief Classification Officer: top 2 ratings for judges, qualified for disabled skiing, recommended.
· Homologator: Highest rating.
· Calculator: Region standard.
· Driver: top 2 ratings.
· Jump judges: Two first class judges and one minimum second class judge including minimum two judges qualified for disabled skiing.
· Slalom, audio slalom and tricks judges: Three first class judges and two minimum second class judges including minimum two judges qualified for disabled skiing. When only three judges are used: Three first class in Record Capability events; two first class and one minimum second class in Ranking List events.
· Timer(s), all events: Region standard.
· Jump meter readers: Region standard.
Classification requirements, all categories: see classification sections in the Competition Handbook Water Ski for the Disabled.
slalom signal generator (ASSG)
Prior to familiarisation, the tournament
Homologator will check that the ASSG as fitted to the towboat measures the
course width correctly within the tolerance specified below.
Verification of the signal generation for pylon
mounted ASSGs may be done with reference to a point on the rope one tenth of
the distance from the pylon to the handle (the 'homologation point'). So, for a
rope length of 18.25 m the homologation point is 1.825 m from the pylon and so
on. With the rope under a stress of no more than 20 kg and the ASSG set to each
of the permitted rope lengths from 18.25m to 10.25m, the ASSG must
generate the signal when the corresponding homologation point is between 98 cm
and 104
cm from the centerline of the boat. These checks are to be performed
for both left side and right side signal generation.
Alternatively, homologation may be done using the
entire rope for each of the permitted lengths (18.25, 16.00, 14.25, etc.). In
this case, the handle must be in the range 9.8 m to 10.4 m from the center
line when the signal is generated.
If the above checks are performed on land, or if
the ASSG is removed from the tow boat after these checks prior to the
competition taking place, the Homologator must check that the ASSG as fitted to
the tow boat for competition use generates signals symmetrically on both sides
of the boat (i.e., it is properly centered).
For ASSGs which are not pylon mounted the
developer of the ASSG should submit a homologation procedure along with the
ASSG to the World Technical Committee when applying for approval.
Note: Technical Specifications for use by ASSG
developers are available from the Chairman of the Technical Committee, IWSF
Disabled Council.
Board |
2 Skis |
1 Ski |
Code |
Description |
Nr |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
2W |
Double Wake Jump |
100 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
20 |
20 |
40 |
40 |
2WB |
Double Wake Back |
101 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
50 |
50 |
100 |
100 |
2WF |
Double Wake Front |
102 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
50 |
50 |
100 |
100 |
Board |
2 Skis |
1 Ski |
Code |
Description |
Nr |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
S |
Side slide |
1 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
20 |
20 |
40 |
40 |
TS |
Toehold side slide |
2 |
32.5 |
32.5 |
— |
— |
130 |
130 |
B |
180 |
F–B |
3 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
30 |
30 |
60 |
60 |
F |
B–F |
4 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
30 |
30 |
60 |
60 |
O |
360 |
F–F |
5 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
40 |
40 |
90 |
90 |
BB |
B–B |
10.0 |
10.0 |
40 |
40 |
90 |
90 |
5B |
540 |
F–B |
12.5 |
— |
50 |
— |
110 |
— |
5F |
B–F |
12.5 |
— |
50 |
— |
110 |
— |
7F |
720 |
F–F |
15.0 |
— |
60 |
— |
130 |
— |
7B |
B–B |
15.0 |
— |
60 |
— |
130 |
— |
LB |
180 |
F–B Stepover |
6 |
— |
— |
70 |
70 |
110 |
— |
LF |
B–F Stepover |
7 |
— |
— |
70 |
70 |
110 |
— |
TB |
180 |
F–B Toehold |
8 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
100 |
100 |
TF |
B–F Toehold |
9 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
100 |
100 |
TO |
360 |
F–F Toehold |
10 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
200 |
200 |
B–B Toehold |
11 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
200 |
200 |
T5B |
540 |
F–B Toehold |
12 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
350 |
350 |
T7F |
720 |
F–F Toehold |
— |
— |
— |
— |
450 |
— |
T5F |
540 |
B–F Toehold |
13 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
350 |
— |
WB |
180 |
F–B |
14 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
50 |
50 |
80 |
80 |
WF |
B–F |
15 |
12.5 |
12.5 |
50 |
50 |
80 |
80 |
WO |
360 |
F–F |
16 |
27.5 |
27.5 |
110 |
110 |
150 |
150 |
B–B |
17 |
27.5 |
27.5 |
110 |
110 |
150 |
150 |
W5B |
540 |
F–B |
18 |
77.5 |
77.5 |
310 |
310 |
310 |
310 |
W5F |
B–F |
19 |
77.5 |
77.5 |
310 |
310 |
310 |
310 |
W7F |
720 |
F–F |
20 |
200.0 |
200.0 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
W7B |
B–B |
21 |
120.0 |
120.0 |
480 |
480 |
480 |
480 |
W9B |
900 |
F–B |
22 |
212.5 |
212.5 |
850 |
850 |
850 |
850 |
W9F |
B–F |
212.5 |
212.5 |
850 |
850 |
850 |
850 |
TURNS (cont.) |
Board |
2 Skis |
1 Ski |
Code |
Description |
Nr |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
Bas. |
Rev. |
180 |
F–B Stepover |
23 |
— |
— |
110 |
110 |
160 |
— |
B–F Stepover |
24 |
— |
— |
110 |
110 |
160 |
— |
360 |
F–F Stepover |
25 |
— |
— |
200 |
200 |
260 |
260 |
B–B Stepover |
26 |
— |
— |
200 |
200 |
260 |
260 |
WL5B |
540 |
F–B Stepover |
27 |
— |
— |
300 |
300 |
420 |
420 |
F–B Double Stepover |
— |
— |
— |
— |
500 |
500 |
WL7F |
720 |
F–F Stepover |
27A |
— |
— |
700 |
700 |
700 |
700 |
WL9B |
900 |
F–B Stepover |
27B |
— |
— |
800 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
WL5F |
540 |
B–F Stepover |
28 |
— |
— |
300 |
300 |
420 |
420 |
B–F Double Stepover |
— |
— |
— |
— |
500 |
500 |
WL7B |
720 |
B–B Stepover |
— |
— |
550 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
WL9F |
900 |
B–F Stepover |
28A |
— |
— |
800 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
180 |
F–B Toehold |
29 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
150 |
150 |
B–F Toehold |
30 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
150 |
150 |
360 |
F–F Toehold |
31 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
300 |
300 |
B–B Toehold |
32 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
330 |
330 |
TW5B |
540 |
F–B Toehold |
33 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
500 |
500 |
TW5F |
B–F Toehold |
34 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
500 |
— |
TW7F |
720 |
F–F Toehold |
35 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
650 |
650 |
TW7B |
B–B Toehold |
36 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
650 |
— |
180 |
F–B Toehold Stepover |
37 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
320 |
— |
B–F Toehold Stepover |
38 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
380 |
— |
360 |
F–F Toehold Stepover |
39 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
480 |
480 |
B–B Toehold Stepover |
40 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
480 |
480 |
540 |
F–B Toehold Stepover |
41 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
600 |
600 |
B–F Toehold Stepover |
42 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
700 |
— |
Forward Somersault |
43 |
200.0 |
— |
800 |
— |
800 |
— |
Backward Somersault |
44 |
125.0 |
125.0 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
500 |
180 |
F–B Ski Line |
45 |
87.5 |
87.5 |
— |
— |
350 |
350 |
B–F Ski Line |
46 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
— |
— |
400 |
400 |
360 |
F–F Ski Line |
47 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
— |
— |
400 |
400 |
B–B Ski Line |
48 |
112.5 |
112.5 |
— |
— |
450 |
450 |
SL5B |
540 |
F–B Ski Line |
49 |
137.5 |
137.5 |
— |
— |
550 |
550 |
SL5F |
B–F Ski Line |
50 |
137.5 |
137.5 |
— |
— |
550 |
550 |
SL7B |
720 |
B–B Ski Line |
51 |
175.0 |
187.5 |
— |
— |
750 |
750 |
SL7F |
720 |
F–F Ski Line |
52 |
175.0 |
200.0 |
— |
— |
800 |
800 |
Wake Double flip |
53 |
250.0 |
— |
1000 |
— |
1000 |
— |
Wake Flip Full Twist |
54 |
200.0 |
— |
800 |
— |
800 |
— |
Flip Full Twist BB |
200.0 |
— |
800 |
— |
800 |
— |
Wake Flip Half Twist |
55 |
187.5 |
— |
750 |
750 |
750 |
750 |
Wake Flip Twist Line Back |
200.0 |
200.0 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
and codes for tricks approved since 2000 may be found in the current IWSF
Technical Rules for Water Ski Tournaments Trick Value chart along with the allowed
code substitutions and alternative flip
codes. The expanded flexibility in writing codes outlined in that
section also applies.
Diagram D1 – Official
slalom course
"Diagram T1 - Official Slalom Course" is replaced with the following:
Dimension |
Actual |
Min |
– |
Max |
Tolerance |
T |
259 m |
258.353 m |
– |
259.648 m |
1/4 % |
· the average of the six measured F dimensions cannot be less than 11.48 m;
· the average of the six measured H dimensions cannot be less than 6.38 m.
Colours for buoys of the slalom course are:
· Gate buoys and outer course skier buoys: one colour
· Inner course skier buoys: a second colour
· Guide buoys: a third colour
In Diagram T1, the text from “From both ends, ...”
until the end applies including the mandatory use of 55m boat path alignment
Diagram D2 – Official jump
"Diagram T2 - Official Jump Course" is replaced with the following:
The ramp must be parallel to the jump course and slightly open. The tolerance for standard jumping is between +1.00º and +2.50º open. The tolerance for ski flying is between +5.00 and +7.00 open. Open means that the low end of the ramp is turned toward the jump course. The basis of the jump course is the 15ST‑15MT line.
Dimension |
Min |
– |
Max |
Tolerance |
180 m (length) |
178.200 m |
– |
181.800 m |
1 % |
Colours for buoys of the jump course are:
· buoys 180M, 10ST, 15ST, 19ST, 10ET, 15ET and 19ET should be red,
· buoys 150M, 10MT, 15MT, 19MT, 15EC and 19EC should be yellow.
Ramp setting chart from Tournament rules is replaced with the following:
of other tournament rules
Applicability of miscellaneous Tournament rules is as follows:
· Rule T.17 – Optional rules: only rules T.17.02 - Slalom Gate Video and T.17.03 - Optional Slalom Judging Method apply.
· Homologation guidelines apply.
· IWSF Record Capability & Ranking List Tournament Standards do not apply.
· Junior competition and Under 21 World Championship rules do not apply.
· IWSF Seniors division rules do not apply.
· World Cup rules do not apply.
· World Ranking List description and schedule do not apply.
· Diagram 3 – Official Trick Course applies
· Diagram 4 – Optional jump course turn buoy applies.
· Diagram 5 – Optional slalom course turn buoy and pre-gates apply with the additional provision that pre-gates buoys are mandatory for audio slalom.
· Diagram 6 – Slalom judging tower placement applies.
· Diagram 7 – Pylon specification drawing applies.
· Diagram 8 – Allowable structure for a floating course applies.
· Diagram 9 – Handle measurement device dimensions applies.
· Computer benchmark for computed distances applies.
Score: |
0-0.5 |
1-1.5 |
2-2.5 |
3-3.5 |
4-4.5 |
5-5.5 |
All 6 |
Speed |
Display: |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Fast |
1.64 |
4.15 |
6.67 |
9.20 |
11.73 |
14.25 |
15.92 |
58 |
Ideal |
1.68 |
4.22 |
6.77 |
9.31 |
11.86 |
14.40 |
16.08 |
Slow |
1.71 |
4.28 |
6.84 |
9.41 |
11.97 |
14.53 |
16.22 |
Fast |
1.73 |
4.37 |
7.03 |
9.69 |
12.35 |
15.02 |
16.78 |
55 |
Ideal |
1.77 |
4.45 |
7.13 |
9.82 |
12.50 |
15.19 |
16.95 |
Slow |
1.80 |
4.51 |
7.23 |
9.93 |
12.64 |
15.34 |
17.12 |
Fast |
1.83 |
4.62 |
7.43 |
10.24 |
13.05 |
15.87 |
17.72 |
52 |
Ideal |
1.87 |
4.71 |
7.55 |
10.38 |
13.22 |
16.06 |
17.93 |
Slow |
1.91 |
4.78 |
7.65 |
10.52 |
13.39 |
16.25 |
18.13 |
Fast |
1.94 |
4.90 |
7.87 |
10.85 |
13.83 |
16.81 |
18.78 |
49 |
Ideal |
1.98 |
5.00 |
8.01 |
11.02 |
14.03 |
17.04 |
19.03 |
Slow |
2.03 |
5.08 |
8.13 |
11.18 |
14.22 |
17.27 |
19.27 |
Fast |
2.06 |
5.21 |
8.37 |
11.54 |
14.71 |
17.88 |
19.98 |
46 |
Ideal |
2.11 |
5.32 |
8.53 |
11.74 |
14.95 |
18.16 |
20.27 |
Slow |
2.16 |
5.42 |
8.68 |
11.93 |
15.18 |
18.42 |
20.56 |
Fast |
2.20 |
5.56 |
8.94 |
12.33 |
15.71 |
19.10 |
21.34 |
43 |
Ideal |
2.26 |
5.69 |
9.13 |
12.56 |
15.99 |
19.42 |
21.68 |
Slow |
2.32 |
5.81 |
9.30 |
12.78 |
16.27 |
19.75 |
22.03 |
Fast |
2.36 |
5.97 |
9.60 |
13.23 |
16.86 |
20.50 |
22.89 |
40 |
Ideal |
2.43 |
6.12 |
9.81 |
13.50 |
17.19 |
20.88 |
23.31 |
Slow |
2.50 |
6.26 |
10.02 |
13.78 |
17.53 |
21.27 |
23.74 |
Fast |
2.54 |
6.44 |
10.35 |
14.27 |
18.19 |
22.11 |
24.70 |
37 |
Ideal |
2.63 |
6.62 |
10.61 |
14.59 |
18.58 |
22.57 |
25.20 |
Slow |
2.71 |
6.79 |
10.86 |
14.93 |
18.99 |
23.06 |
25.73 |
Fast |
2.76 |
6.99 |
11.24 |
15.49 |
19.74 |
23.99 |
26.81 |
34 |
Ideal |
2.86 |
7.20 |
11.54 |
15.88 |
20.22 |
24.56 |
27.42 |
Slow |
2.95 |
7.41 |
11.85 |
16.29 |
20.73 |
25.16 |
28.08 |
Fast |
3.02 |
7.65 |
12.29 |
16.93 |
21.58 |
26.24 |
29.31 |
31 |
Ideal |
3.14 |
7.90 |
12.66 |
17.42 |
22.18 |
26.94 |
30.08 |
Slow |
3.25 |
8.15 |
13.05 |
17.93 |
22.82 |
27.70 |
30.90 |
Fast |
3.33 |
8.43 |
13.55 |
18.68 |
23.81 |
28.94 |
32.33 |
28 |
Ideal |
3.47 |
8.74 |
14.01 |
19.29 |
24.56 |
29.83 |
33.30 |
Slow |
3.61 |
9.07 |
14.51 |
19.94 |
25.37 |
30.80 |
34.37 |
Fast |
3.71 |
9.40 |
15.11 |
20.83 |
26.54 |
32.26 |
36.04 |
25 |
Ideal |
3.89 |
9.79 |
15.70 |
21.60 |
27.50 |
33.41 |
37.30 |
Slow |
4.07 |
10.21 |
16.34 |
22.46 |
28.58 |
34.68 |
38.70 |